Karrie and I are both at our respective posts at the moment. She is sewing and I am typing. The button is fast asleep upstairs so we can hear the drone of the monitor over the grassy hill radio broadcast.
On inspiration from a mothering magazine article, we have decided to create some of our own space, for creative reasons. We are already extrememly enjoying this great adult only time. This has been something we have really dreamed about for years, but have only had moments of in the past. My band space was my own creative center, but Karrie has really not had one, outside of the gardens around the yard.
Although wonderful in many unbelievable ways, the Button does take a toll on creative outlets. Anything you do needs to have minimal setup and breakdown time, or it doesn't happen. Thus, the creative space can be left a mess, and you can get to it any time you want to, even if for a few minutes.
The really cool thing is that she is more independent everyday. She sits and plays for longer periods, and seems quite engaged in her activities. This could really pan out for many creative 'minutes.' Some of the things she does well on her own is drawing. She uses a more tactile version of the etch a sketch, but it comes with a magnetic pencil that lets her draw right on the surface! She does some great scribbles, you should see for yourself. Washable crayons are no longer out of the question either, but that activity needs more supervision.
She is still reading quite a bit, although sometimes I catch her with the book upside down. I help her with this, but she really doesn't mind either way. Her favorite books for this are Have You Seen Dogs and Everyone Poops.
Well its way past bedtime and the eyes are getting blurry.
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